‘The Avengers’ starts the summer off right

ND Avengers
Chris Hemsworth and Chris Evans return as Thor and Captain America, respectively.

During the past four years and across five different films, Marvel has been building the universe for the first live-action film adaptation of “The Avengers,” a long-running comic series. The film is a moment in Hollywood history that has never been accomplished or even attempted. It is a film that acts as a sequel to five of the largest-scale action films of the past several years. Already, it is apparent that Marvel’s plan has paid off. “The Avengers” set the record for the largest domestic opening weekend with more than $207 million in ticket sales.

In the film, Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) join together in order to save the earth from an attacking demigod and his cosmic army.

The film does a great job of weaving together all of the previous films by featuring the villain of “Thor” using the device from “Captain America: The First Avenger.” Seeing all of these characters (and actors) in one film is extremely exciting to behold. It reminds me of the type of fantasy films I would cook up in my brain as a child that never actually came to fruition.

From beginning to end, the film is brimming with wonderful dialogue, incredible over-the-top action and a number of memorable moments of humor that you will have a hard time not repeating to your friends after the movie.

“The Avengers” is a comic book film for both comic book fans and general audiences alike. It embraces its exaggerated comic book background while showcasing a number of wonderful performances that will leave you loving and rooting for all of the film’s characters.

Don’t miss this one. It might be the biggest film event in years.

“The Avengers” is out now in area theaters.
