The traffic games


It is our position that arterial roadways need sensors installed at all traffic signals. Road improvements during the past decade have been phenomenal, and despite a growing population, congestion has been brilliantly curbed through lane expansions, roundabouts and simply good planning. What remains frustrating for motorists are traffic signals on the less traveled roads, where sensors have not been installed to operate the signals properly. They exist all over, but just to give one example of unnecessary congestion, it’s not uncommon to see a long line of cars eastbound on Smokey Row at the Gray Road signal waiting many minutes at a time while there is no traffic at all on Gray Road – which is also absent a right turn lane where there appears to be room for the installation of one. As traffic increases and efficiency also increases on major thoroughfares, we have to be mindful of what it can do to local intersections.

While we demand infrastructure improvement, we must also be patient, as we do not want to put a large amount of expenditures on ourselves in these uncertain times. We must look at these improvements as investments in the cities and towns in which we live and ultimately the value of the properties within them.


The traffic games


It is our position that arterial roadways need sensors installed at all traffic signals. Road improvements during the past decade have been phenomenal, and despite a growing population, congestion has been brilliantly curbed through lane expansions, roundabouts and simply good planning. What remains frustrating for motorists are traffic signals on the less traveled roads, where sensors have not been installed to operate the signals properly. They exist all over, but just to give one example of unnecessary congestion, it’s not uncommon to see a long line of cars eastbound on Smokey Row at the Gray Road signal waiting many minutes at a time while there is no traffic at all on Gray Road – which is also absent a right turn lane where there appears to be room for the installation of one. As traffic increases and efficiency also increases on major thoroughfares, we have to be mindful of what it can do to local intersections.

While we demand infrastructure improvement, we must also be patient, as we do not want to put a large amount of expenditures on ourselves in these uncertain times. We must look at these improvements as investments in the cities and towns in which we live and ultimately the value of the properties within them.


The traffic games


It is our position that arterial roadways need sensors installed at all traffic signals. Road improvements during the past decade have been phenomenal, and despite a growing population, congestion has been brilliantly curbed through lane expansions, roundabouts and simply good planning. What remains frustrating for motorists are traffic signals on the less traveled roads, where sensors have not been installed to operate the signals properly. They exist all over, but just to give one example of unnecessary congestion, it’s not uncommon to see a long line of cars eastbound on Smokey Row at the Gray Road signal waiting many minutes at a time while there is no traffic at all on Gray Road – which is also absent a right turn lane where there appears to be room for the installation of one. As traffic increases and efficiency also increases on major thoroughfares, we have to be mindful of what it can do to local intersections.

While we demand infrastructure improvement, we must also be patient, as we do not want to put a large amount of expenditures on ourselves in these uncertain times. We must look at these improvements as investments in the cities and towns in which we live and ultimately the value of the properties within them.


The traffic games


It is our position that arterial roadways need sensors installed at all traffic signals. Road improvements during the past decade have been phenomenal, and despite a growing population, congestion has been brilliantly curbed through lane expansions, roundabouts and simply good planning. What remains frustrating for motorists are traffic signals on the less traveled roads, where sensors have not been installed to operate the signals properly. They exist all over, but just to give one example of unnecessary congestion, it’s not uncommon to see a long line of cars eastbound on Smokey Row at the Gray Road signal waiting many minutes at a time while there is no traffic at all on Gray Road – which is also absent a right turn lane where there appears to be room for the installation of one. As traffic increases and efficiency also increases on major thoroughfares, we have to be mindful of what it can do to local intersections.

While we demand infrastructure improvement, we must also be patient, as we do not want to put a large amount of expenditures on ourselves in these uncertain times. We must look at these improvements as investments in the cities and towns in which we live and ultimately the value of the properties within them.
