Pence’s roadmap works



For those of us who have lived through four years of “all hope and no real change” at the national level, it is refreshing that Mike Pence has chosen to run for governor and has a real plan for the future. All too often campaigns are organized around pithy platitudes and statements evoking some grand vision for the future. Mike Pence has a vision and he is also a pragmatist who has surrounded himself with real Hoosier thinkers and doers who have life experiences. This will serve him well as Governor because his plan for the future is the sum of Hoosier ideas he has collected during his years as a Hoosier. These ideas can be converted into action steps that will make Indiana a better place to live as well as a model for other states in the Midwest.

(Pence’s) Roadmap identifies and discusses several topics that will need to be addressed and provides Mike’s perspective on major issues facing the State and the nation. All too often political campaigns tend to be about superficial distinctions, sound bites and personal charisma; we are seeing just the opposite here. It is refreshing and impressive that Mike Pence and his team have largely pushed aside these matters and spent the time and energy to provide Hoosiers with a concrete plan to provide an informed basis for prospective voters. It is a rare time indeed when voters are given real choices in an election and a basis upon which they can hold their elected representatives accountable.

Now if the voters will only read and think and vote accordingly. Educate yourself and vote!

Gary Kyzr-Sheeley

