Getting productivity out of creating culture


In a world where everyone is struggling to differentiate themselves, most leaders agree that they’ve got to figure out how to get the most out of our team.  You probably ask yourself the following questions regularly:

  • How can I get more productivity out of my staff?
  • What is the best way to bring a new person up to speed?
  • How can I keep a “bad apple” from influencing the rest of the team?

I guarantee you that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of books available that deal with each of these topics. In addition, I am certain that most of the solutions discussed in these books are viable and relevant.

However, because I know that you don’t like to read all that much, I’ll suggest a simpler solution.  Before you’re able to get more out of your team, you need to develop the foundation upon which all of their performance is judged.  You’ve got to build a great culture.

This is hard work and most companies pay very little attention to culture because it’s difficult to measure.

However, we’ve all been part of a rotten culture that is characterized by high turnover, unhappy customers and slow growth.

So, how do you do it? I recommend a three step process.

  • Define your Culture – Decide what is really important to your organization and get it down on paper. What are the rules (e.g. – we respect our coworkers, etc.) that should govern behavior?
  • Get Commitment from the Team – Have every member of the team review your culture statement and create a large poster that each team member can sign. Hang this poster somewhere that employees and customers can easily see it.
  • Live you Culture – As the leader, it is up to you to reinforce this culture every single day. Refer to your culture in meetings, memos and any other opportunities to have to interact with your staff.

If you are interested in making a lasting and meaningful change in your company, make it priority to invest in your culture. The benefits will be worth the effort.

As with most things in life, the solution is simple.  All you need to do is execute.


Getting productivity out of creating culture


In a world where everyone is struggling to differentiate themselves, most leaders agree that they’ve got to figure out how to get the most out of our team.  You probably ask yourself the following questions regularly:

  • How can I get more productivity out of my staff?
  • What is the best way to bring a new person up to speed?
  • How can I keep a “bad apple” from influencing the rest of the team?

I guarantee you that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of books available that deal with each of these topics. In addition, I am certain that most of the solutions discussed in these books are viable and relevant.

However, because I know that you don’t like to read all that much, I’ll suggest a simpler solution.  Before you’re able to get more out of your team, you need to develop the foundation upon which all of their performance is judged.  You’ve got to build a great culture.

This is hard work and most companies pay very little attention to culture because it’s difficult to measure.

However, we’ve all been part of a rotten culture that is characterized by high turnover, unhappy customers and slow growth.

So, how do you do it? I recommend a three step process.

  • Define your Culture – Decide what is really important to your organization and get it down on paper. What are the rules (e.g. – we respect our coworkers, etc.) that should govern behavior?
  • Get Commitment from the Team – Have every member of the team review your culture statement and create a large poster that each team member can sign. Hang this poster somewhere that employees and customers can easily see it.
  • Live you Culture – As the leader, it is up to you to reinforce this culture every single day. Refer to your culture in meetings, memos and any other opportunities to have to interact with your staff.

If you are interested in making a lasting and meaningful change in your company, make it priority to invest in your culture. The benefits will be worth the effort.

As with most things in life, the solution is simple.  All you need to do is execute.
