Fishers Arts Council talks 2013 plans


The Fishers Arts Council, the group behind such art projects in Fishers like I Am. Piano Play Me, and Art in Town Hall, is already planning for this year’s projects.

Fishers Arts Council President Jocelyn Vare said both of those projects were slated to return to Fishers in the New Year.

“As a Fishers resident for 15 years, what’s important to me is that Fishers is this amazing place to live, and work, raise a family, retire,” Vare said, “And I know that arts and culture has to be part of that fabric of the community.”

She said the scope of Art in Town Hall would be expanded while working with other organizations.

One event the council is looking at is a display of the annual Fishers Freedom Festival T-shirt design contest finalists.

Last year was the first year for the Nickel Plate Music Fest. Vare said the event was being considered for the fall but is not sure if it’ll return.

One event that is slated to come back later this year is Art in the Park.

The Fishers Arts Council will work with Nickel Plate Arts in 2013, as well.

In late April, the Fishers Arts Council, in collaboration with art teachers at both Hamilton Southeastern high schools to do a senior high school art exhibit for Art in Town Hall.

Vare said to retain families, students and companies, the arts need to be part of the community.

“It’s fun to talk about arts and culture, but ultimately we’re for developing the economy of the community,” she said.

Vare said the main focus for 2013 was to focus on partnerships, reaching out into the community to better connections with various groups.
