Opinion: Schedule desire strong


Blecht. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m so done with summer vacation. It’s true, my friends, June and July haven’t materialized into that magical time of peaceful relaxation that I’ve dreamt about since January. Perhaps it’s the Noah’s-Ark-worthy rain, although I prefer yard floods to scorching heat, but I actually think my intolerance is due to the remarkable lack of routine here at Chez Wilson.

Yes, we started out with a plan. Chores, Amish Day, and Game Night all made it onto the calendar, and kids’ classes, camps and hobbies filled the early days with as much suburban crisscrossing as this dance mom cared to orchestrate. My husband, Doo, and I even managed a couple of short trips sans minions where we remembered that we do, in fact, like each other.

But we never fell into any sort of regular, daily schedule, and as a former military cadet/mother of twin infants, my normal high-octane, high-efficiency M.O. toppled faster than our latest JENGA tower. Our teens have been sleeping until noon, eating at all hours, and playing video games until well past midnight. Peppered throughout are last-second requests for rides, laundry, and recipe ingredients. I feel like I’m caught in a rip-tide off the North Carolina coast without a life jacket or, more importantly, a shark baton. And I just want to lie on the beach!

Granted, I don’t miss grading Algebra tests or creating edible brown bag lunches from mystery meat and a can of mandarin oranges, but I clearly do not function properly without time constraints and a mile-long To Do list. To wit, if I have eight hours to write an article, it’s not going to happen; I’ll putter around the house delaying closet clean-outs and then watch six straight episodes of Breaking Bad. But if I only have thirty minutes between Color Guard drop-off and Tae Kwon Do pick-up on a school day, I can easily crank out a Pulitzer-worthy masterpiece.

So instead of feeling rejuvenated, I’m just feeing unaccomplished. August, and the beautiful ridged schedule it brings, can’t come soon enough! Peace out.


Opinion: Schedule desire strong


Blecht. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m so done with summer vacation. It’s true, my friends, June and July haven’t materialized into that magical time of peaceful relaxation that I’ve dreamt about since January. Perhaps it’s the Noah’s-Ark-worthy rain, although I prefer yard floods to scorching heat, but I actually think my intolerance is due to the remarkable lack of routine here at Chez Wilson.

Yes, we started out with a plan. Chores, Amish Day, and Game Night all made it onto the calendar, and kids’ classes, camps and hobbies filled the early days with as much suburban crisscrossing as this dance mom cared to orchestrate. My husband, Doo, and I even managed a couple of short trips sans minions where we remembered that we do, in fact, like each other.

But we never fell into any sort of regular, daily schedule, and as a former military cadet/mother of twin infants, my normal high-octane, high-efficiency M.O. toppled faster than our latest JENGA tower. Our teens have been sleeping until noon, eating at all hours, and playing video games until well past midnight. Peppered throughout are last-second requests for rides, laundry, and recipe ingredients. I feel like I’m caught in a rip-tide off the North Carolina coast without a life jacket or, more importantly, a shark baton. And I just want to lie on the beach!

Granted, I don’t miss grading Algebra tests or creating edible brown bag lunches from mystery meat and a can of mandarin oranges, but I clearly do not function properly without time constraints and a mile-long To Do list. To wit, if I have eight hours to write an article, it’s not going to happen; I’ll putter around the house delaying closet clean-outs and then watch six straight episodes of Breaking Bad. But if I only have thirty minutes between Color Guard drop-off and Tae Kwon Do pick-up on a school day, I can easily crank out a Pulitzer-worthy masterpiece.

So instead of feeling rejuvenated, I’m just feeing unaccomplished. August, and the beautiful ridged schedule it brings, can’t come soon enough! Peace out.


Opinion: Schedule desire strong


Blecht. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m so done with summer vacation. It’s true, my friends, June and July haven’t materialized into that magical time of peaceful relaxation that I’ve dreamt about since January. Perhaps it’s the Noah’s-Ark-worthy rain, although I prefer yard floods to scorching heat, but I actually think my intolerance is due to the remarkable lack of routine here at Chez Wilson.

Yes, we started out with a plan. Chores, Amish Day, and Game Night all made it onto the calendar, and kids’ classes, camps and hobbies filled the early days with as much suburban crisscrossing as this dance mom cared to orchestrate. My husband, Doo, and I even managed a couple of short trips sans minions where we remembered that we do, in fact, like each other.

But we never fell into any sort of regular, daily schedule, and as a former military cadet/mother of twin infants, my normal high-octane, high-efficiency M.O. toppled faster than our latest JENGA tower. Our teens have been sleeping until noon, eating at all hours, and playing video games until well past midnight. Peppered throughout are last-second requests for rides, laundry, and recipe ingredients. I feel like I’m caught in a rip-tide off the North Carolina coast without a life jacket or, more importantly, a shark baton. And I just want to lie on the beach!

Granted, I don’t miss grading Algebra tests or creating edible brown bag lunches from mystery meat and a can of mandarin oranges, but I clearly do not function properly without time constraints and a mile-long To Do list. To wit, if I have eight hours to write an article, it’s not going to happen; I’ll putter around the house delaying closet clean-outs and then watch six straight episodes of Breaking Bad. But if I only have thirty minutes between Color Guard drop-off and Tae Kwon Do pick-up on a school day, I can easily crank out a Pulitzer-worthy masterpiece.

So instead of feeling rejuvenated, I’m just feeing unaccomplished. August, and the beautiful ridged schedule it brings, can’t come soon enough! Peace out.


Opinion: Schedule desire strong


Blecht. I can’t believe I’m writing this, but I’m so done with summer vacation. It’s true, my friends, June and July haven’t materialized into that magical time of peaceful relaxation that I’ve dreamt about since January. Perhaps it’s the Noah’s-Ark-worthy rain, although I prefer yard floods to scorching heat, but I actually think my intolerance is due to the remarkable lack of routine here at Chez Wilson.

Yes, we started out with a plan. Chores, Amish Day, and Game Night all made it onto the calendar, and kids’ classes, camps and hobbies filled the early days with as much suburban crisscrossing as this dance mom cared to orchestrate. My husband, Doo, and I even managed a couple of short trips sans minions where we remembered that we do, in fact, like each other.

But we never fell into any sort of regular, daily schedule, and as a former military cadet/mother of twin infants, my normal high-octane, high-efficiency M.O. toppled faster than our latest JENGA tower. Our teens have been sleeping until noon, eating at all hours, and playing video games until well past midnight. Peppered throughout are last-second requests for rides, laundry, and recipe ingredients. I feel like I’m caught in a rip-tide off the North Carolina coast without a life jacket or, more importantly, a shark baton. And I just want to lie on the beach!

Granted, I don’t miss grading Algebra tests or creating edible brown bag lunches from mystery meat and a can of mandarin oranges, but I clearly do not function properly without time constraints and a mile-long To Do list. To wit, if I have eight hours to write an article, it’s not going to happen; I’ll putter around the house delaying closet clean-outs and then watch six straight episodes of Breaking Bad. But if I only have thirty minutes between Color Guard drop-off and Tae Kwon Do pick-up on a school day, I can easily crank out a Pulitzer-worthy masterpiece.

So instead of feeling rejuvenated, I’m just feeing unaccomplished. August, and the beautiful ridged schedule it brings, can’t come soon enough! Peace out.
