Column: In 2017, make sure you have GAS


Commentary by Jack Kleymeyer

Most salespeople spend their time on prospecting, and it’s no wonder they run out of GAS. The GAS I’m talking about isn’t something you get at the pump or from a can. This GAS comes from investing in yourself.

G – Goals – What are your personal and business goals?

A – Attitude – What are you doing on a daily basis to improve and enhance your attitude?

S – Skills – What are you doing on a regular basis to increase your skill set?

This is the exact time of year to reflect on your successes and those areas that could have gone better. The best way to make sure you are ready to improve is to ask some resourceful questions, like the following:

What worked in this past year that you want to be sure to repeat? What didn’t work quite like you imagined? What do you need to start doing? What do you need to stop doing? What do you need to do more of in the coming year? What do you need to do less of in the coming year?

Take some time today and review last year’s calendar. Go back though each appointment and make sure there are no loose ends and that everything promised has been delivered. It is easy in the day-to-day hustle and bustle to let a thing or two slip.

Now is also the time to notice what is on your “toleration list.” Those are the things that you are tolerating now that take mental energy and drain you emotionally. This is the perfect time to either eliminate them or move them to a place where they do not consume so much energy.

Lastly, but I think most importantly, make sure the big things — Stephen Covey called them “Big Rocks” in your life, family, faith, or other things that are really important to you — are in your future plans and calendar. Once the big things are calendared, it is a sure bet you will do them, and the other things will fall in place. The reverse, not putting the big things in first, will cause you to “try” to make space or time for them, and when you do not get them in, life gets really out of balance.

The formula for success is simple. Set good, smart goals, protect your attitude, and always be sharpening your saw by improving your skills. A word of caution: This formula is simple, but it is not easy. However, I have the utmost faith that you can do it!
