Opinion: Never awesome-less


Commentary by Terry Anker

The cold, gray winter days are laid out ahead of us. Snow, frost and bluster are on the agenda. But like all things, this will pass. Soon, the chill will give way to warmer evenings and burgeoning flora. As life seems to pass more quickly with each new year, the winters are fleeting. We’ve barely found a matching pair of gloves until it is time to return them to storage for balmy summer days.

Even if we know that a better day will come, we can, at times, roil in the discomfort of the day’s unpleasantness. Perhaps this kind of short-sighted critique is uniquely human. We endure failings and peccadillos in our own lives and then imagine that they have set in as permanent fixtures rather than brief moments. We eat or spend a bit too much during the holiday break and then proclaim that we “always do that!”  We indulge in a round of self-loathing, claiming that we are deeply and permanently flawed and incapable of restraint.

There are times when we are less than awesome, no doubt. However, there is never a time when we are completely and entirely awesome-less. We all struggle with it at times – a lagging confidence or belief in our own contributory worth to those around us. Some days it is difficult to understand how we add value. It took the angel Clarence to prove to George Baily that his despair was only temporary and, indeed, that he had a wonderful life.

Wouldn’t it be a better and more productive use of our energy to plan a road to improvement rather than claim a constant excuse? As easily as we make wrong choices, cannot we make right ones? If we hold out for the rain to end, surely the sun will shine.
