Graduate profile: Eileen Porzuczek

CIF COM 1121 GraduatePorzuczek

By Desiree Williams

Eileen Porzuczek graduated from Hamilton Southeastern High School in 2015. She is pursuing a degree in creative writing with a minor in professional writing and emerging media at Ball State University. She writes a blog about healthy relationships at

Q: What was your favorite subject in high school?

A: I think I found history interesting because I felt like it was cool to learn about past events and how to learn from those types of things for the future. I really liked English because I really love reading and writing.

Q: Do you remember your most influential high school class or teacher?

A: When I was at HSE, I took theater 1 all the way up through 4. That has really influenced me. Even though I’m no longer doing theater, it’s something that I’ve taken those skills and applied it to other things I’m doing now in college. Probably that teacher, Jennifer Otterman.

Q: Are you involved in any clubs or teams at Ball State?

A: I’m on the Morale Committee for Riley Dance Marathon on campus. I’m a member of Alpha Chi Omega.

Q: What got you interested in creative writing?

A: I’ve changed my major about four times, but now I’ve had this major for awhile and I definitely know that it’s what I want to do. Why I got so involved with that was because of my English class, and I had a really awesome professor. I know this is what I want to do and I’m actually still really close with her. I worked on a global digital magazine with her and I got to publish my children’s book. I have gotten to go present at all these national literary conferences with her and I am going to be her teacher’s assistant. She helped me start a blog and do a little motivational speaking.

Q: Do you have a dream job?

A: I think it would be cool to be able to do the design work for a company, like design their newsletter and write for it, or design a website or blog for them and write for it.

Q: What are your next steps?

A: I had an internship this past summer where I interned with the Indianapolis Writers Center and we worked with at-risk Indianapolis youth and we had them write about their lives. We actually published it in the seventh edition of an anthology called “I Remember: Indianapolis Youth Write about Their Lives.”

I worked with the kids, like the younger kids, and I worked with the high-schoolers and I taught them spoken word, too. They actually got to go perform what they wrote in Memphis and at Ball State.

Q: Do you have anything else to add?

A: My sophomore year, I did an immersive learning class through Ball State and we worked on actually creating, I think, the third edition, the Black Lives Matter edition of “Rethinking Children’s and Young Adult Literature” global digital magazine, and I got to publish my children’s book in there. From that, we actually got to go present at the Virginia Hamilton Multicultural National Literary Conference at Kent State. And this fall on Ball State’s campus, I’ll be presenting about that stuff again and the whole project at the 2017 Diversity Research Symposium Conference, which will be really cool.
