Republican candidates for Indiana’s Fifth Congressional District have for years stressed a need to replace Rep. Dan Burton in office. Now that Burton has announced his plans to retire, current candidates have been publicly singing his praises.
Burton stood before the Indiana House last week and announced that his current term will be his last. Burton, who has represented the Fifth District since 1982, said is retiring for personal reasons, and candidates seeking his office have since released the following statements applauding his years of service:
Susan Brooks: “I join with Hoosiers in thanking Dan Burton for his decades of public service to Indiana and America, and I wish him well in his retirement.
I’ve been talking to the voters of the new Fifth District since July, and there is a clear desire for new leadership. I am not a traditional politician or a Washington insider looking to extend my career in Congress. I will bring a different approach, grounded in conservative principles and over 20 years of experience working on behalf of Hoosiers. Republican voters in the FifthDistrict want someone who is prepared to lead and ready to work hard on their behalf to solve the challenges we face as a nation and ensure that the promise of America is available to future generations.”
Jack Lugar: “I wish him the best as he moves into this new phase in life and look forward to the opportunity to benefit from his experience and wisdom as I move forward with my career. In reference to his family’s health issues, they will be in my prayers.
As I have stated from the beginning, I entered this race because it was time for a new generation of leaders. Our country’s younger generations have long needed better representation in Washington and I am answering that call.”
John McGoff: He has always been the voice for strong conservative values and that is why voters continued to re-elect him since 1982. This is truly the end of an era.
Today’s announcement assures that there will be a new voice representing central Indiana in January 2013. Even with Congressman Burton’s announcement today, the message of my campaign to fix Washington, to ensure lower taxes, to create a stronger economy and to maintain a strong national defense for our country remains the same.”
David McIntosh: “Dan Burton has a long record of serving the people of Indiana by upholding the conservative principles of limited government, personal freedom, and economic prosperity. As a former colleague of Dan’s, I am grateful for his leadership over the years on issues that have mattered most to our fellow Hoosiers and Americans. My prayers are with Dan and Samia as they take these next steps in their lives, and we wish them every blessing as they begin a new season in life.”