Current Publishing

Response to the visitor’s perspective



I am writing in reference to the recent letter from Marcia Wood, a first-time reader of Current, who commented on a religious article written by longtime contributor, Bob Walters.

Personally, I read Bob Walters’ column first; it’s my favorite part of Current. I can’t believe you think his faith “should be of no interest to any reader.” Oh, really? Did you survey a bunch of readers before you made that statement? I have always been grateful Current would publish a column such as his, and I certainly hope it continues to do so. It’s refreshing to have a paper in our community willing to publish articles concerning someone’s faith. Hey, you should attend Carmel High School’s Christmas program.They even sing about the Lord! You would be so shocked!

“Is Mr. Walters’ God better than mine?” Well, just who is your God? Is he the God of the Bible? Did his Son die on the cross for us all? Is your God the God of John 3:16? If he is, then you should be shouting it from the rooftops, or even writing a column in a neighborhood newspaper!

Please, Current: Do not stop printing Bob Walters’ column based on this one person’s objections. She says we won’t find many in this community who would broadcast their beliefs. I presume she is busy taking all sorts of surveys on this subject. I, for one, am very happy to read about Bob’s beliefs in Current, and I look forward to reading many more of his columns. Bless you, Bob Walters! And bless Current for providing this sort of content in our weekly paper.


Jeannie M. Fredrickson

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