Current Publishing

Spring into new season

IO Sorrell

Spring officially starts next Tuesday.

I like that. It means spring break is just around the corner and longer days are becoming familiar. It means everything flowering will start percolating and cheery forsythia will start screaming amazing colors soon. My five ornamental dogwoods are swelling with anticipation of another glorious showing of pinks and whites. And tulips, daffodils and crocus are pushing through the earth, softening even the crustiest of attitudes.

Spring means fresh-skinned joggers and spandex bikers become the road warriors they hunger to be, and new mommies and daddies can introduce their babies to fresh air and warm sunshine. Dogs are overjoyed they can “do their business” in a relaxed fashion and walkers are everywhere. So are the smiles.

Spring also brings with it a few necessaries to get your landscape beds in shape for the year. Here’s an immediate concern list:

Enough talk about chores. Are you ready to enjoy this spring like never before? Me too!


Randy Sorrell is founder and president of SURROUNDINGS by NatureWorks+, a Carmel-based landscape, design, build firm. He may be reached at 679-2565, or

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