Current Publishing

Change: A buzzword since 2008

I’ll not get political, but you know what I’m talking about. Some people voted for it, some people didn’t and some people simply applyWindex to a paper towel, shine a section of bumper on the trusty Chevrolet and affix a sticker to express their feelings about it.

At any rate, change is not new, nor is it limited to the White House. Change is all around us, and that is not going to change.

I think about change a lot, as it applies to yours truly. I’ve certainly seen my fair share of it, and recent times are no exception. A change in vocation, a change in location, a change in relation (ship) – come on, it rhymed! I’ve seen them all.

I suppose what mattersis how we deal with the changes that inevitably come our way. You can either suffocate in the fear and uncertainty change can bring, or you can grab hold of it and make the change work for you. You’ve got to get busy living, or get busy dying. Memories – healthy ones – are great, but wistfully holding onto the past is a surefire way to set in motion the wheels of the latter.

I used to think I’d be a kid forever, my support systems would never fail me, my heroes would never die (or be released in a teary news conference), but that’s just not the way it is. My new model is about malleability and maturity, and you know what? It’s working.

Live, love and let go. But keep the change.

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