Current Publishing

Fifth District GOP Candidates

COM GOP Meeting Jason Anderson
Introductory remarks What would your top priorities for the economy be? What unique quality do you have?
Jason Anderson Have never held political office or appointment. Obligated to run because we need sacrificial leaders. Creating predictable laws and a transparent court system. Getting the government out of the way. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. Fed up with Republican In Name Only. An outsider looking in. Will look for what the parties can agree on. Wants ethics reform in congress.
Susan Brooks The people want a new type of leadership and a new type of leader. Will focus on jobs, economy, security and restoring civility to the process. Lure corporations back to the U.S. with lower taxes. Require people who have been unemployed for 99 weeks to seek job training or volunteer. Repeal Affordable Healthcare Act. Has done 366 meet and greets. Wants safety. Wants to restore civility to the process. Wants term limits.
John Lugar Is a small-business owner. Small-business owners are what are needed to return to prosperity. The solution is jobs. Getting people back to work will “get the ball rolling.” Cut regulation. Work on energy independence. Willing to make a stand. Will get Generations X and Y involved in the nation. Is an “every-day American and a small-business owner.”
John McGoff This is a chance to “take back the nation” after the Grand Old Party “blew it” in 2007-2011. Affordable Healthcare Act will “singlehandedly destroy this nation.” “Businesses are afraid of tax, regulations and Obamacare.” Has international experience as a general, national experience as a physician and local experience as a coroner.
David McIntosh Nation is headed in the wrong direction as a result of expanding government, Affordable Healthcare Act and debt being piled up. Repeal automatic tax increase. Move toward a lower, flatter rate. Repeal the Clean Air Act. Stabilize the currency. Drill for oil on public land. Pass a Balanced Budget Amendment. Will restore civility to the process. “The president doesn’t think America is great.” Willing to do what it takes to push things through.
William Salin The “top down” mentality is bad for grass roots. Washington can’t balance the budget, but local government can. Push from the ground up. Reduce regulations for companies that want to come back to the U.S. from Asia. The barrier to business is stability. Will work hard and won’t take “no” for an answer. Will work tirelessly. Loves the nation.
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