Current Publishing

Infrastructure detail means only a one-day work-around

Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg

Where have you read this before? Patience, please! We’re in the season of infrastructure improvements in the city, and Promise Road between 146th Street and Greenfield Avenue was scheduled to close on or after tomorrow, weather permitting, for one day in order to reconstruct a culvert beneath Promise Road. Plan your own detour now for the 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. closure. The city has changeable message boards posted to provide notice, and flaggers will be at both ends of the construction zone to assist traffic during the closure. The city says access will be maintained to all homes and businesses throughout the duration. Is it an inconvenience to motorists? Perhaps. Will it provide better infrastructure to the city? Absolutely. Construction season happens. There will be more. It’s called improvement. For more information on the culvert project, you may call the Dept. of Engineering at 776-6330.

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Your May 8 edition of Current in Noblesville actually will be delivered this Saturday in an effort to offer you additional time to read up on the primary election, which is May 8. We will provide comprehensive information on candidates, polling places and the like in hopes of inspiring a hefty turnout at the polls, open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Election Day. As we’ve reminded you before, your vote really does count – and if you don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain about the outcome of any particular race or races, in our opinion. We view voting not only as a right, but also as a responsibility.

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