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Local game developers find success across central Indiana and online

ND Preview Expedite

From left, Brent Douthit, Vaughn Paxton and Travis Koldus

From left, Brent Douthit, Vaughn Paxton and Travis Koldus

Over a month ago, Fishers-based game developer Turnham Games took a chance on their first game by starting a Kickstarter project, hoping to receive over $12,500 in funding. Kickstarter, a crowd-funding website, has been growing enormously over the past year. It gives anyone an opportunity to have their dream project, invention, artist vision or any number of different things funded by the internet masses.

On April 30, Turnham Games hit their goal of $12,500 and has continued to exceed that goal in the days since. The funding came from over 170 different backers including friends and family of Turnham Games and prior-to unknown individuals from the internet.

For a more detailed description of the game’s mechanics as well as a chance to see how much money Turnham Games raised, visit

“It is really unbelievable, the amount of support we have received locally,” said Brent Douthit, one of the game’s developers. “I had no idea that we would get this kind of feedback.  We have at least 60 people of the 170 (backers) that are all from central Indiana.”

Pledges of $20 will received a free Expedite t-shirt while pledges of $45 will receive one copy of the game upon its completion.

Expedite is described by its developers as “a fast-paced, route-building game of world trade.” Each player is put into the role of a shipping magnate racing to purchase hubs around the world and transport goods across the world as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The game’s newfound public presence online has led to a number of changes within the game and its future versions including the option for higher quality game pieces if funding allows.

“Since we posted on Kickstarter, we have gotten great feedback on game play that will likely be seen in the next version of the game we have planned, Expedite North America,” said Douthit.

For now, the focus is utilizing the money gained and getting Expedite into the hands of its backers and on store shelves across the country. Turnham Games is planning for an early to mid-August release as well as selling the game in several area Walgreens.

“It is amazing how many board game lovers we have in this community.  I have personally had the chance to speak with four separate Hoosiers that create games on their own.  They have been so nice in providing some guidance to help us succeed with Expedite,” said Douthit.

To read our original article about Turnham Games and Expedite prior to the launch of their Kickstarter project, please visit

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