Current Publishing

Uncommon request

Why is it so often those who give the most require the least, even as those who rarely offer anything are abundant with needs? At a buddy’s birthday party, I caught up with a longtime friend that I’d not seen for ages. He’s the kind of human that falls into the selfless camp. He served us all in the first Gulf War and has continued upon his return always working to make the world a better place. So, I was a little surprised when he asked me if I could take a meeting with him the coming week because of a favor he need to solicit of me. Asked if all was well, he naturally demurred, positing that life had never been better.

With the arrival of the appointed day, we met and he shared his mission: to raise a little money and help some Vietnam-era veterans to bring The Vietnam Veterans Memorial “Moving Wall” to Fort Harrison on Indianapolis’ northeast side from May 17 to May 21, to recognize the 30th anniversary of the conflict. He earnestly recounted that these men and women were no longer young kids from newsreels. In fact, for many of them, this might be their last chance to join locally like this to recognize the sacrifice of those fallen. He reminded me that great wealth and military service rarely go hand-in-hand. Then, my friend, the decorated hero looked sheepishly across the table and added, “I wouldn’t ask for me, but these guys need the help; and I can’t do enough by myself.”

Of course – I thought – he wouldn’t ask for himself. And neither would most of these folks. Isn’t that reason enough to want to give? VVA 295, P.O. Box 269279, Lawrence, IN 46226 is the address. Donations are tax deductible.

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