Current Publishing

Applications available for 2012-13 BCL classes

Boone County residents interested in becoming part of a county-wide leadership network can apply for available openings in Boone County Leadership’s 2012-13 classes.

Boone County Leadership is a not-for-profit program that provides local training to expand community and philanthropic leadership. Operating out of United Way of Central Indiana’s Boone County headquarters, the program acquaints participants with the county’s economic, civic, governmental and social structure, preparing them to become better informed and involved citizens.

Classes will meet for a half-day each month from September to May. The curriculum covers leadership skills and information about existing and emerging local issues such as agribusiness/agriculture, court system/law enforcement, health care, county growth, education, warehousing/manufacturing and human services.

Applications are due by Aug. 31, and classes begin in September. The fee is $425.

Applications are available by contacting or calling 289-6415. To download an application, visit

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