Current Publishing

Wilson shows ignorance on vaccinations

In response to the July 3, 2012 commentary piece by Danielle Wilson, entitled: “Have kids? Get them immunized!”:
I, for one, would happily concede my “right” to send my children to public school, rather than subject them to a ridiculously long string of immunizations, each containing a veritable plethora of foreign substances, including (but not limited to) known carcinogens, animal proteins, etc. Heaven knows the only thing they would be missing out on would be a mediocre education and the removal of any vestige of critical thinking. Ms. Wilson’s forceful diatribe against anyone who would question the efficacy of these vaccines (which, I should point out, are the only “medicines” exempt from the traditional dosage guidelines – i.e. the same amount of vaccine would be administered to my 5-year-old, as would be given to my 6-month-old. Make any sense to you?) provides little more than a vivid demonstration of her ignorance on the subject, as her knowledge regarding immunizations appears to extend no further than quoting the very organizations who are so heavily pandered to by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

For the record, during this past winter, the private preschool my children attend had an outbreak of pertussis, which, ironically enough, began with a student who had been vaccinated against the disease.



An “Idiot”
Megan Keyser

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