Current Publishing

I’m from the Government, I’m here to help you

That’s a phrase that makes us either cringe or laugh but in this case, it’s going to make you proud.

As a board member of the Hamilton County Humane Society, I was glad when their major fund raiser, Dog Day Afternoon, moved to Carmel where people are supportive and the crowds are large.

People bring their dogs, walk the Monon and mingle, as we raise money for those who have no voice and no homes.

This year, disaster struck. Through some mischance, the City double booked the Gazebo area … The Humane Society and a wedding.

Which event would move? No contest! A bride intent on her perfect day will brook no interference. The City made the mistake and the city government, in the persons of Nancy Heck and Melanie Lentz, stepped in to save the day.

The date of the event had to be changed and to try and compensate for all the work that change entailed, Nancy moved it to Center Green.

She and Melanie are providing four banners and an additional sign along Rangeline Road as well as space on the Merchant’s Square electronic sign. They are placing an ad in the Current in Carmel and, since the time had to be moved to begin after the Farmer’s Market, they arranged for washrooms to be made available in the Tarkington along with cleaning and security services.

So, we at the Humane Society and all who support our efforts, will never laugh again at the phrase….”I’m from the government and I’m here to help you.” We were lucky, they were wonderful and we all should be proud of our community.

DOG DAY AFTERNOON – AUGUST 25 – 3pm-8pm – Center Green

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