Current Publishing

Extend your life, read this

People who read this column may live longer and have more free time.  Now, if I could only kill the germs that cause bad breath, I could claim to be the next “I’ll tell you how to live your life” guru.  Could lifestyle expert Dr. Jeff join the ranks of Dr. Phil and Dr. Oz?

Probably not as I don’t believe I have a cure for bad breath.  But recent research shows I do have a shot at helping you live longer.  Throw in a secret which gives you the feeling of more free time and I think at a minimum, this column could be hang on the front of the refrigerator material.

Each week in this space, I attempt to bring recognition to good people doing good things in and for our community.  Seven times out of ten, there is a call to action for you to get involved and help out as a volunteer.  Thus, the first step in my 2 step plan to a longer, happier life is to volunteer.  A new study shows people who volunteer for selfless reasons, such as helping others, live longer than those who don’t lend a helping hand. UniversityofMichiganresearcher Sara Konrath and colleagues analyzed results from a study following 10,317Wisconsinresidents who graduated from high school in 1957.  The findings showed that those who volunteered for more altruistic reasons had lower mortality rates as of 2008 than people who did not volunteer.  Of the 2,384 non-volunteers, 4.3 percent were deceased four year later, compared with 1.6 percent of altruistic volunteers who had died.

But, if living longer is not nudge enough to volunteer, then how about gaining more time in your life.  A different study shows that those who volunteer their time, feel they have more of it.  “Although it seems counterintuitive to give away any of your time when you feel your time to be scarce, our findings suggest that even spending small pockets of time to help others can make people feel more effective and they can do a lot with the limited time they have,” said study leader Cassie Mogilner of the Wharton School of the University Of Pennsylvania.  “Giving time makes people feel like they have more time,” Mogilner said.

So, the next time you see an email or phone number in this column soliciting volunteers, consider it your clandestine opportunity to serve mankind while stacking the deck in your favor.

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