Current Publishing

Buggy whips

It is amazing, really, how static we become as we age. Most of the folks from my generation still refer to “taping” something from television, even though the use of videotape has long been replaced by some digital recording device. Yet, why would we bother to learn the new vernacular? It is almost hard to imagine the number of words that are likely doomed to fade in the coming years. Will we still have car keys in two decades? Will pennies still jingle in our pockets? Will television even exist in any identifiable way, let alone the words used to describe trying to capture it for later review?

But it is more than our unwillingness to accommodate modern, more accurate phraseology. So often, we fail to take steps to remain current in our thoughts and actions as we grow older. We cling to outdated and expensive cell phone contracts rather than considering a renegotiation. We refuse to bid our insurance or try a new restaurant for no reason, other than “knowing” that an old plan is good enough. In a world where change is constant, can we survive without constant change?

It is a struggle to stay current. Changing our computers, or cell phones, banks, doctors or service providers for business – they all take effort. They all take thought. And they all take time. So, how do we make it work? Like everything, isn’t it true that slow-and-steady wins the race? Every day, I try to read one article, meet with an expert, or learn about a new-and-better approach to something that I already do. If I’m lucky I can implement once a month, but the knowledge motivates and reduces resistance for whenever the time allows. Regardless, isn’t an open mind to opportunity better than closed?

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