Current Publishing

Haunted Trails wants you

ND Haunted Trails

Haunted trails (Photo submitted)

Haunted trails (Photo submitted)

Interested in raising money for your club, group or organization? Then come out and volunteer at one of Hamilton County’s most popular events, Haunted Trails. At this event guests can enjoy a non-scary hayride or be led through the trails at Cool Creek Park to experience a fright.

Haunted Trails runs 6 to 11 p.m. Oct. 23 to 25 at Cool Creek Nature Center, 2000-1 151st St., Westfield.

Several volunteers are needed at this event. Forty trail guides are needed to lead small groups through the trails. Six to seven volunteers are also needed to assist guests with parking. Volunteer groups of four to 10 people are needed for 15 scenes along the trail. Groups will pitch their ideas to the park staff and if chosen will have a haunted scene along the trail.

For more information on duties, visit or call 770-4400.

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