Current Publishing

Life Chain gathering planned for Oct. 7

On Respect Life Sunday (Oct. 7), pro-life citizens will be participating in the 25th Annual National Life Chain in Noblesville, along with 1,800 other communities across the United States and Canada. Participants will gather at the southwest corner of 10th and Conner streets at 2:15 p.m. for a brief meeting before lining up at 2:30 p.m. for an hour of silent prayer.

Noblesville Area Life Chain Coordinator Peggie Soni said this will be the 12th year that Noblesville has been giving this powerful witness for those who have no voice. Life Chain is a peaceful and public gathering for our nation and for an end to abortion.

“It is not political or confrontational. It is a visual statement of solidarity by local communities that abortion kills children and that we support the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception,” said Soni. “Participants will be ‘a light in a darkened world’ in which currently more than one out of every four pregnancies ends in abortion.”

For more information, call 997-3480.

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