Current Publishing

Essex report off-base


The recent video report by Richard Essex on WTHR has a lot of Zionsville residents and business owners upset. The report not only ignored the true facts, but it also failed to balance itself with some
positive content. Did WTHR report that Zionsville’s retail occupancy rate is now 90 percent? Nope. Did they recognize that at least five businesses in Zionsville have had their two best years in a row? Negative. And if Zionsville is so bad, why are new businesses springing up? New ones this year include a new wine bar, a lady’s shop, another Italian restaurant, a new mattress store and a corporate design center. And that “For Lease” sign on the building in the beginning of Mr. Essex’s report? The previous business owner is a florist who moved down the street to a larger facility needing to accommodate her growing business! Instead of the full story, Mr. Essex chose two shop owners to whine about their failing businesses and project the inaccuracy that their plight is the same throughout the Village. And then Mr. Essex interviews one person who closed down a business to spend more time with her graduating son, not because the business was failing! He conveniently forgot to pay attention to what the business owner was telling him. It’s time to see and read news reports that recognize those who are thriving in Zionsville! As to Mr. Essex: Please, go ahead, report the negative and skip the facts. The positive people of Zionsville will balance your biased reporting with a big smile on their face and let the song of a strong community ring true.

Paul Dreier

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