Current Publishing

Sign language

It is our position that political discussions should be an acceptable form of public discourse.  Greek philosopher Aristotle famously asserted that “Man is a political animal.”  Yet, in most social circles, people avoid two main topics – religion and politics – for the sake of peace.  If political discussions are avoided among friends and neighbors, how can society truly gain an understanding of the issues at hand and unite in sensible solutions?  That social stigma is perhaps how political pundits gain and keep their pedestals.

An easy way to start the conversation in your own backyard is by displaying a yard sign.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, and that includes certain campaign signs.  Out of the millions of dollars in campaign financing, why aren’t signs free?  It’s a low tech, direct way of displaying support for candidates and political platforms. For those fearful of retaliation for displaying a yard sign, it’s a potential criminal act if the signs are removed by an unauthorized source.  The stakes are especially high this election year.  Show a sign of support.  At the very least, fly an American flag, talk to your neighbors and respect their right to express an opinion.

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