Current Publishing

Why welfare if doing so well?


It was good to hear that Zionsville businesses are doing well, Onward and Upward, but if this is true why is there a need for Main Street businesses getting taxpayer funded welfare? Currently, Main Street businesses can get micro-loans from the town for business purposes. This little sweetheart deal was supposed to be used when conventional bank loans were unavailable, but if they¹re doing so well, why can¹t they go to the bank like everybody else? Main Street businesses can also get an outright grant to spiffy up their buildings. If they¹re doing so well, why are the taxpayers paying for what should be a normal business expense? And let’s not forget the new parking lot the town bought, for more than the appraised value and at 9.47% interest,  and built on the old Shell station property. The 10-year cost for that freebee is well over $1 million. This is all simply outrageous and corrupt. The Main Street village is a shameless welfare queen.

Tom Hallett

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