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ID laws are common sense


This is in response to Mr. Dossey’s views on voter ID laws.

I think it is in everyone’s best interest for all states to have laws like Indiana’s voter ID laws. President Obama is trying to suppress other states from passing this law and is suing states to stop this. Last time I checked, voting was for citizens of the United States and not just anyone living here illegally. ID protects citizens’ rights and you can easily get an ID at the Motor Vehicle Bureau.

When you go to the doctor, you need to show photo ID as well as insurance cards. When I go to the bank they sometimes ask for ID, too. I am not offended by this because it is in my best interest.

No one should be offended by voter ID laws. They are there to protect us and to keep dead people and illegals (who always vote for democrats) from voting. This year when they had the recall on Governor Scott Walker in Wisconsin, they had Mickey Mouse, Adolf Hitler and other such ridiculous names on the petition for the recall. If you needed to show ID, this wouldn’t happen. It is always the Left that wants to stop voter ID laws and let everyone vote.

Mary Ann Burke

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