Fall Creek Community Church joins Fishers YMCA for Wishbone 5K


By Larry Lannan

The Fishers YMCA is sponsoring the Wishbone 5K run on Thanksgiving Day, and the event can thank a number of volunteers.  Pastor Ken Cavanaugh is coordinating members of hisFallCreekCommunityChurchto provide volunteers for the event.

Ken’s congregation conducts services each Sunday at the Fishers YMCA building. By mere chance, Pastor Cavanaugh and Gregg Hiland, Fishers YMCA executive director, struck up a conversation that led to the partnership between the local Y and the church.

Church members will be staffing water stations for the runners and will provide food after the race is finished.  Last year’s run drew 1,200 runners with 1,500 are expected this year.

“We want to add value by our presence here,” Cavanugh said. “We’ve conveyed to the YMCA leadership … we want to be your go-to people for volunteers.”

He sees a connection between spiritual and physical health.  “Jesus cited the greatest commandment from the Old Testament to love God with all your heart and soul and mind and strength.  That’s a holistic view of life.”

Pastor Cavanaugh has experience working at churches inNew York Cityand theChicagosuburb ofWheaton.  He’s been pastor of the local Fishers congregation for 11 years.

He and his wife Karen have an adopted daughter and have been foster parents.  Even though they had some good experiences in the foster program, they no longer participate in it for according to him “the system is so broken.”

Ken reminds us that one reason Fishers is such a great place to live is due to the many people in the community volunteering.  He says organizations throughout the area are looking for volunteers with a variety of talents, meaning anyone can do it.  He believes volunteers always get something out of their volunteer experience.  “It’s good for you to give back.”

You can learn more about the Fall Creek Community Church at y-church.com.

You can get more information about the Wishbone 5K run at indymca.org/wishbone-5k.
