Current Publishing

Worrell remains on Redevelopment Commission

Early last week, Carmel Redevelopment Commission member Jeff Worrell was prepared to tender his resignation from the group for the good of the city.

As it turned out, he didn’t step down from his post, and Carmel still moved forward – the city council on Nov. 19 voted 7-0 in favor of the refinance of about $195,000,000 in city debt, most of it largely attributable to CRC activity.

Worrell said his resignation previously had been something of a requirement for that to happen.

“There was an article in (another publication) about two weeks ago,” said Worrell, “where it was mentioned that (my resignation) was a requirement for the refinance to pass. Although I certainly didn’t feel that was right or fair, I was prepared to do it if that’s what it took.”

Worrell was speaking of comments made by council president Rick Sharp.

“I was asked to resign on Nov. 16,” Worrell continued, “but by the time Nov. 19 rolled around, I was allowed to remain on the CRC.”

Worrell said a phone call from city councilman Kevin Rider informed him of the decision to move forward with the passing of the refinance without his stepping down. Asked about why Sharp would stipulate his ouster before voting in the affirmative for the ordinance, Worrell said, “I have no idea. I would never speak for Rick Sharp. You’d have to ask him.”

Political jockeying aside, Worrell is a fan of the council’s vote, and what it means for Carmel.

“I’m 100 percent in favor of the refinancing,” he said. “It made total sense to me, and made the best sense for Carmel. Anyone in our position would do the same, and that was borne out by the fact that the council voted 7-0 to do that. There is a desire to look backwards and a difference of opinion on the matter, but they made the right decision.”

What Worrell’s role will be in the future remains to be seen.

“I serve at the pleasure of the mayor,” he said. “I will continue to do what is asked of me, but I do not know exactly what that will be.”


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