Always looking forward


Over the last several weeks, I have been speaking with a number of different people across Carmel, discussing their biggest moments of 2012 and asking what they plan to accomplish in 2013. These people include Mayor Jim Brainard, Chamber of Commerce President Mo Merhoff, and even a number of my followers on Twitter.

Although each person and organization has a slightly different direction they would like to see Carmel take in 2013, there is one defining constant. Everyone is looking to make progress.

Mayor Brainard is pushing for more progress to be made on city infrastructure and major city projects like City Center. Mo Merhoff and the Chamber of Commerce are looking to grow business across all areas of Carmel and are even hoping to progress the state of business across the entire county. There are two sides of the recent conflicts between school administration and teachers looking to progress the current state of Carmel schools, their working conditions and the education system at large. Several concerned citizens within Carmel are focused squarely on making progress on Central Indiana’s mass transit, an area which has been in the news off and on for years, but may finally begin to flourish in 2013.

The idea of constant progress is an important one. It shows that while we are all thankful for what we have, especially during this time of year, we also understand that things can and should be better. No matter how great or dire the circumstance, progress is always an option for those who seek it actively enough. It is this approach of constant progress that I will be taking with every edition of Current in Carmel in 2013 and a standard to which I hope you will hold Current in Carmel going forward.

Here is to a year of great progress, one that we will hopefully be looking back on fondly this time next year!
