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Partisan system is to blame


I disagree with your assessment of blame in the Fiscal Cliff talks. One party forms a voting block and completely ignores the American public, and we have a bill supported by the White House that has more pages than the Bible, a bill that we still don’t know the ramifications of and no one screams PARTISAN. Now, it is all the GOP’s fault that the parties don’t want to play nice. I think that is a bit hypocritical. It is okay for one party to vote as a block but not the other. Maybe the party that started it should think about how the two parties became so divided and try a little compromise. We have the head of that same party that refuses to admit our spending is more than we can afford, but he is not the blame, “it is still Bush’s fault.”

He has had four years, and I don’t see that the economy is any better now than it was. Talk about reducing entitlements has come out of both parties, but one party gives everyone on welfare free phones. Sounds to me like one party does not understand the meaning of reduction. We talk about Social Security in the same breath as reducing entitlements, but we hear nothing about streamlining or reducing welfare. Which one have people paid into and which one is loaded with those that only take, sometimes for their whole adult life?

Both parties are wrong. Both parties have plenty of blame for the Fiscal Cliff. So I think it is unfair to lay the blame at the feet of the GOP. Lay it where it belongs, on a PARTISAN government system, and then look to see why it is so partisan.


Mike Henderson

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