Current Publishing

Can’t find fault with Republic


Unlike Mayor Brainard, I wouldn’t be too upset with Republic Trash over the Dec. 26 no pick-up. Conditions were terrible that day with snowfall, blizzard conditions making visibility poor, roads and residential streets slow-going or treacherous. All TV reports I saw/heard were telling people to stay off the roads to avoid more accidents and vehicles getting stuck in snow. Imagine all the vehicles trying to stop or bypass trash vehicles every time they stopped. Once stopped, some smaller vehicles would have a hard time moving straight again, or would have gotten stuck in front of trash vehicles.

I completely understood Republic not getting out. Other than the fact that Mayor Brainard says Republic failed to provide written notice, via E-mail, I suppose, I can’t find fault with Republic. I would have hoped perhaps that someone at either City Hall or Republic would have been in touch that day to discuss the weather situation to forego trash pick-up for safety reasons of all concerned. But, Carmel City offices were closed that day due to weather situation ….”except for essential employees.” The Nancy Heck Letter to that effect stated that “Snow plowing equipment will continue to keep main and secondary roads cleared as much as possible and after the majority of the snow has fallen will begin an all city plow.” Snow didn’t stop until the afternoon. So, residential streets would not have been touched. I don’t think Republic being out that day was essential or safe.


Bruce Braden


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