Current Publishing

Councilor Faultless’ 12 years as president ends

At the Jan. 7 Fishers Town Council meeting, the councilors elected a new president and vice president, ending Councilor Scott Faultless’ 12-year streak in the leadership position.

Faultless started serving on the council in 1996 and started serving as the president in 2001.

He said, “I’m not looking back in the rearview mirror…”

As the town moves forward and inches closer to a city form of government, the council is taking an approach that will put the leadership positions into a rotating format each year leading up to the big vote.

Councilor John Weingardt will serve as the council’s president, and Councilor Pete Peterson will take up the vice presidential mantle this year.

Faultless said the councilors met in a caucus after the results of the town/reorganized city/second-class city questions came in last November.

The councilors found that this format would diminish the rolls and responsibilities of the council president and vice president as the new form of government takes root.

Now serving as a councilor in a regular capacity, he will turn his focus toward major projects in Fishers as time presses on, he said.

The big projects Faultless will focus on include downtown redevelopment and a possible deal for the Town of Fishers and Hamilton Southeastern School District to come together on an indoor athletic city.

He said he didn’t want to see redevelopment stalled in the future, and making sure that doesn’t happen is another target in Faultless’ sights.

The Fishers Town Council meets Jan. 21 at 7:00 p.m. Work sessions, which are also open to the public, begin at 5:30 p.m.

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