Current Publishing

Focus on position not person

Recently, I have received letters from many of you which makes me happy to know that you are reading our paper and also taking time to respond and create dialogue in the community over these important issues. I have, however, noticed a trend where some letters have moved from being focussed on the issues to becoming an attack on the person. Also, I receive A LOT of very long editorials, many longer than our cover stories. While we would like to include your entire narrative, we have space limitations, so I kindly request that you keep your letter to 200 words, otherwise, we will not be able to print it and will likely include it on our website.

This idea of focussing on the position, not the person, has been simmering in me for a while and was brought home clearly in a session I attended on Tuesday in the Indiana State House with Justice Steven David of Indiana’s Supreme Court. At a Boone County leadership workshop sponsored by the United Way, he shared how Indiana’s Supreme Court is a diverse group with varying positions on issues but how they work together civily, despite their differences. “They are not my friends, they are my family,” David said. He also shared some advice, “Be confident in your position but not unwavering. Focus on what you don’t like about the position, not the person.”

Feel free to continue to send the letters, but can they just be a little shorter and focussed on the issues, please?  We, at Current, like all feedback but tend to only hear the negative. You can send the good stuff too! Thanks for reading and writing.


My wandering has been limited these past weeks since I’ve been at home writing. Now that I have a little help on the writing front, care of our new freelance writer, Janelle Morrison, I am off and wandering again …

This week, and every week since I’ve been in Zionsville, I made a stop at Eagle Creek Coffee Co. Before the holidays, I fell in love with the Peppermint flavored coffee but, alas, it’s gone now. I predict a coffee tasting in my near future.

By the way, Doug, one of the owners of Eagle Creek Coffee Co., has been kind enough to allow us to leave extra copies of the Current in Zionsville on his newspaper rack so help yourself. Also, I plan to spend more time at Eagle Creek on a regular basis and will let you know my new “Office Hours” soon. I look forward to getting to know more of you in the community and enjoying a cup of coffee together. Cinnamon creme is my new favorite with many more to taste!

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