Carmel Clay School Board Meeting – Jan. 28, 2013


What happened: Woodbrook Elementary Spell Team Honored

What it means: Superintendent Jeff Swensson presented award certificates to Woodbrook Spell Team members who won the State Academic Spell Bowl in November 2012. Board members congratulated each student with a handshake.

The Woodbrook Spell Bowl team has been coached by Mr. Jay Vahle, a 2009 Carmel Clay Teacher of the Year, since 2004.


What happened: Request to Consider Support of Central Time

What it means: Sue Dillon of Central Time Coalition requested the board consider signing a resolution for Indiana to observe the Central Time Zone.  Three school boards in Knox County have signed the resolution.  Dillon stated that 41 other school boards are considering the resolution.

Resident Laura Miller expressed support for the resolution. “I’m here to support reverting to Central Time Zone,” she said, “giving us just a little smidge more of safety in the morning for our students to get on those school buses.”

What’s next: Dillon presented board members with documentation of student safety issues stemming from Central Time’s late sunrise.  Members will decide whether to include consideration of the resolution in a future agenda.  Dillon invites residents to visit to learn more about this issue.


What happened: District Update, Accreditation Committee Review

What it means: Assistant Superintendent Dr. Amy Dudley presented the district’s preparations for the AdvanceEd review scheduled April 13 – 16, 2014.

Member Patricia Hackett pointed out that all AdvanceEd recommendations are available online.  Hackett approved “our district’s positive progress.”

President Layla Spanenberg agreed.  “It’s nice to see that our strategic plan we spent so much time developing really aligns with the five standards that they (AdvanceEd) expect out of us,” she said.


What happened: Change Orders for High School Renovations

What it means: Change orders were approved for two projects at Carmel High School.  The interior finishes and locker room renovation completed by Chance Brothers Marble & Tile cost $4,965 less than originally allocated.  The addition to the west side transportation center completed by MacDougal Pierce Construction cost $14,481 less than originally allocated.

What’s next: President Layla Spanenberg requested “a motion to approve (this) cost savings.”  All members approved the deductions.
