Current Publishing

Letter to the Editor – “The Blame for Fiscal Cliff”

I have to strongly disagree with your opinion that most of the blame for the “fiscal cliff” falls on Republicans, mainly the Tea Party candidates. It’s a shame the Democratic propoganda and a compliant media continues to effectively deceive. The blame goes to those that would raise the debt limit again when there are hundreds of corrupt, wasteful and redundant government programs that could be cut now. Raising the debt ceiling gives politicans the easy way out and makes the inevitable corrections more painful. Spending and debt (and those that deny it) are clearly the greatest threat the country faces. The obstructionists are the ones that prevent necessary spending cuts. By the way, we are not on our way to bankruptcy, we are there. It was bad enough to borrow .40 cents of every dollar under Bush, now we are heading towards .50 cents under Obama. Just wait until the interest rate goes up on the trillions of dollars Obama has borrowed (think housing bubble).

Obama’s proposal was to give him complete power over raising the debt ceiling, no spending cuts, massive increases in spending and government expansion. And a few Republicans are mostly to blame for not compromising? Seriously? If I told you I was going to steal $1,000 out of your bank account and we compromised on $750, would you feel good about compromising? Or, would you realize you lose either way? The only way to address the spending problem is to cut off the supply of money to politicians. The $17 trillion dollars in statutory debt and $100 trillion in total debt obligation tells me they aren’t capable of doing what’s best for the country. I’m not interested in a “compromise” unless the net effect is less government spending. Anything else is a compromise on our economic collapse. This country will now suffer from 16 years of pathetic, incompetent presidential leadership and the only hope is that more “tea partiers” step in and stop fueling the fire. Unfortunately, I don’t see that happening.  The apathetic, uninformed voting base who believes slimy campaign commercials will see that we collapse before reality sinks in. I’m neither Republican nor Democrat, just an independent who sees an obvious problem facing the country and a corrupt government relying on the gullible people. Put the blame where it belongs, on spending!

Tom Gregg



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