Current Publishing

YMCA youth learn production skills

By Dan Domsic

Once a week, children at the Fishers YMCA learn television production skills that could help them land a gig with the silver screen.

Eileen Einsfeld, the founder of the TV Production Club, is a three-year veteran of the YMCA who started off in aquatics and lifeguarding.

Before she shad twins, Einsfeld was a commercial producer and commercial program coordinator with Comcast. She was responsible for commercials airing in Indiana and Illinois.

“I love working with the kids,” Einsfeld said. “Especially the older kids that can grasp it.”

Using equipment her previous employers donated to the Fishers YMCA, the group learns how to professionally shoot video, mic the people the young reporters are speaking with and then edit it all with software. It took Einsfeld about a year and a half to get the club going, along with marketing help from Krystal Schulz, youth and family director.

Now in its third session, the group of approximately six to 12 participants (the number fluctuates throughout sessions) captures stories around the Y, including some coverage for the Y For All campaign that aims to raise a total of $237,000 this year.

Leah Robin, 10, is a member of the club and has had the chance to work on stories about the initiative. She interviewed different people working on the Y For All Campaign.

She said one of the biggest challenges of being part of the club was getting a good angle on each shot when doing video work.

Operating out of the teen outreach center, the club meets on Thursdays from 5 to 6 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m., with some participants sticking around for an extended period of time.

The experienced members have the opportunity to put their knowledge to the test and teach newcomers, according to Einsfeld.

The program costs $50 for members to participate in per session, and its next session starts this Thursday evening.

Einsfeld also teaches a homeschool TV production class Monday mornings.

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