Current Publishing

Father/son duo still entertaining

By Dan Domsic

After playing a part on the world stage during the 2012 Super Bowl half time performance, Fishers residents Kelly and Travis Frank continue to work in the entertainment industry.

The father and son duo appeared during the Super Bowl show as gladiators, and recently, Kelly worked as a stand-in for Jim Irsay and the character Ron Swanson in NBC’s “Parks and Recreation.”

Since Current last spoke with Kelly and Travis, their musical act, KandTFrank, recorded an album, Come Close to Me, with Tate Music Group.

With drummer Jody Torpy, the group put together an album that spans several genres – from 80s head-banging jams, to evangelical influences, to tunes in the vein of Jason Mraz’s style.

“It’s a lot of work (putting together a CD),” Kelly said. “It’s a ton fun.”

“It’s fun being in the studio,” Torpy said.

Kelly and Torpy said the overall message of the KandTFrank is to “love God, love people,” and spread gospel through the power of music, and they’ll do so with a live radio show out of Cincinnati, Ohio a show in Nashville, Tenn., and with a tour further down the road.

Kelly said the group is still working out a schedule for the tour.

Travis, the youngest member of the group, works on his craft full-time and is pursuing his own solo project.

His own CD, which he named on the spot “Beautiful Girl Like You,” aims towards the mainstream, slightly deviating from bigger group’s direction, and will have 14 to 16 tracks in total.

“I’m really excited about where his career is going to go,” Kelly said.

The group works with various organizations in and outside of the community – they practice out of the Y Church, have worked with Sam Ash music store in Indianapolis and donate part of the proceeds from CD sales to World Vision, a Christian humanitarian group.

To listen to KandTFrank’s tunes and get updates, visit

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