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Hamilton County a healthy place

Hamilton County remains the healthiest county in Indiana, according to an annual study released March 20 that measures rates of smoking, health care, education and access to clean drinking water and healthy foods.

The 2013 County Health Rankings by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation found Hamilton County to rank below the state average in diabetes, uninsured adults and the rate of people who die before age 75. Hendricks County ranks second and Boone County is third.

The study is comprised of two categories: health outcomes and health factors, and Hamilton County ranked first in both. In the subcategories, Hamilton County ranks first in mortality, health behaviors, clinical care and social and economic factors; third in morbidity; and fifth in physical environment.

Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, the foundation’s president, said the rankings are intended to inspire big changes and improve health in communities large and small. The rankings are based on public data for each county, according to the report.

The study, interactive maps and county-level data are available at

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