Current Publishing

Seeking your input

Dear Westfield community,

“American Pie” is an effort to illustrate the importance of music in our modern world through a rock concert with student performers – “American Pie: The Times They Are a-Changin’” on May 9 at Westfield High School.

We would love to have community participation in our commentary.

Would you please comment on your thoughts and your place in life’s journey as the 1960s unfolded before us and brought tremendous change to America? Some examples of that change include the Civil Rights movement, the women’s rights movement, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr., John F. Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy, the Vietnam War, the Summer of Love, student protests/college life, or simply a particular song that had an impact on you or your friends at the time. Please do not limit yourself to only these examples and feel free to comment on whatever you were into or thinking at the time. We are looking for some personal insight into the decade and would like to use the comments we receive as part of the commentary of “American Pie: The Times They Are a-Changin’.” Please e-mail your comments, thoughts and reactions to me at Thank you so much for you time and consideration.

To include your comments in our show, we’d like to have them before April 28.

Please feel free to forward and share this with your Westfield community contacts. Also feel free to recommend to us people we could specifically reach out to in our community for these insights.

I believe this will come together around a shared love of music and learning. Thanks!

Rock right on,

Jennifer Hasler-Troutman

WHS teacher and “American Pie” co-director

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