Current Publishing

Courageous moms are plentiful

Screen Shot 2013-05-17 at 10.36.02 AMI am still in shock, or maybe it’s awe, and my feet are definitely sore as I completed my quest to meet moms who own businesses in Zionsville. Main Street, First Street, Boone Village and even Michigan Road were traveled, but I know I missed many of you, and I’m sorry. I focussed my search mainly on moms who own homegrown retail establishments, and when I reached 36, I had no more room and was not able to include realtors, dentists, doctors, bankers, etc.

With the apology out of the way, now all I have to say is, wow!  I had no idea there were so many creative, courageous moms in Zionsville who took a risk to start a business, endured the sacrifice, and forged through the challenges. It seemed that every “Mom-preneur” had a story to tell, and I wish I could have told them all. No doubt you will see moms in the near future with cover stories all their own. There will never be enough room for their inspiring stories.

Although the story is complete, thoughts remain and the word perseverance lingers with me. Each mom who owned a business shared a similar story of the ups and downs of juggling kids and work. Their stories reminded me that it takes courage, not only to be a business owner but also to be a mom.

As I write, I remember a quote that gave me strength to endure the tough days during my own journey as a single mom/full-time student and now mom/full-time editor.

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow.’”

In some tomorrow down the road, I hope to meet more of you moms who have had the courage to give it one more day, in business and at home. You have not only made a difference in your community, you ARE the community.


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