Beginning June 1, the popular Summer Reading Program will return to the Hamilton East Public Library. Each year, more than 20,000 registrants – infants, youth, teens and adults – participate in this special program. Prizes are awarded to participants who complete the requirements for their specific age category and may include coupons to area restaurants or attractions, treasure chest toys, paperback books and more. Beginning June 1, you may register online at or by visiting the Noblesville or Fishers library branches. Along with this year’s “Dig into Reading” program theme, numerous programs for all ages have been scheduled. To kick off the family fun, at 2 p.m. June 3, the Noblesville Library, 1 Library Plaza, will host the Madcap Puppets presentation of “The Cinderella Files.” At 3 p.m. June 10, the Fishers Library, 5 Municipal Dr., will feature the silly, scientific stunts of Professor Steve. For a full listing and specific details about the library’s programs, visit the
Summer Reading Program