Current Publishing

Dow land closing: Did you talk?

Commentary by Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg

So, the sale of the Dow property in the southern reaches of Zionsville closed last week without much fanfare. The Town of Zionsville now owns the parcel. It is true town leaders were willing to accept comments from constituents, which is good, but we’re mystified by what appears to us – and we could be incorrect – to a less-than-active sum of participation by the community. So, the land will be developed. If you commented, we applaud you for exercising your right to do so. If you did not, any complaints about what will happen to the land will seem too little, too late. Let us be clear: We’re all for responsible growth, as well as transparency in government, but to not avail oneself of the opportunity to be heard leaves us shaking our heads. Since the deal is done, there is no pushing the rewind button.

Development in and near town is going to be all the rage as the economy continues to rebound. This week, FedEx is planning a groundbreaking ceremony, a Meijer store is ticketed for Anson, Bub’s Burgers and other enterprises are headed to town, and now the Pittman Farm is more ripe than ever for development. Again, public input was invited on Dow. Did you participate?

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Among other items at its May 28 meeting, the Zionsville Safety Board was to have discussed the bicycle pathway in and through the village district. We’re all for cyclists – if they follow the rules. We’re also all for motorists – we happen to be two – but too many drivers are ignorant of the rules of the road as concerns accommodating cyclists. The village, even at slow, posted speed limits, can be difficult to negotiate in a vehicle. The increased presence of cyclists will demand more vigilance, if not mutual respect from drivers and riders.


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