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Third party gives White House to clinton

I am a Constitutional conservative, and as such, I am more than just a bit dismayed by the antics of the current Republican Party.

It seems the GOP has decided in order to win more elections, it must become Democrat-lite by compromising on immigration, much to the great detriment of the entirety of the United States.

Constantly being told by the media, who, if anyone believes it has the best interest of the GOP at heart, I have some prime Brooklyn swampland for sale, it must move more to the center and nominate more moderate candidates. Ask presidents McCain and Romney how they are enjoying their terms in the White House.

Hillary Clinton may be the next presidential nominee of the Democrats; and she may shake “the stain of Benghazi off her hands” (Current in Westfield, 06/18/13), while showing the nation the newest line of pantsuits.

However, unless the GOP comes forth with a solid conservative, one that is principled and exciting, and not a RINO for the third election in a row, Clinton will surely assume the mantle of leadership on Jan. 20, 2017.

Brian Kelly and Steve Greenberg’s editorial asks “Again, a third party, please?”

As necessary as that is for true Constitutional conservatives, I will remember the Reagan 80-20 rule, that although I may not like a candidate on 20 percent of the issues, he or she will still get my vote for the other 80 percent. A third party will virtually guarantee a Clinton presidency should she seek it.


Sanford D. Horn


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