Current Publishing

New state laws take effect

By Kathy Richardson

There were nearly 300 bills enacted last session, most of which went into effect July 1. All of these laws will in some way, shape or form have a positive impact on Indiana and Hoosiers. Here is a listing of a variety of laws that are now in place to strengthen Indiana moving forward:


HEA 1004 – Establishes the Early Education Evaluation Program, which requires the Division of Family Resources to work in conjunction with the Dept. of Education to gather data concerning school readiness of low-income children who receive early education services from Level 3 and 4 Paths to QUALITY providers. In the state’s budget, $2 million per year has been allocated for an early education matching grant program for low-income families.


HEA 1099 – Expands opportunities and helps widen the abilities of physician assistants to practice medicine. The Affordable Care Act is increasing the need for primary care, and physician assistants help relieve the demands facing physicians. This legislation makes Indiana a better place for physician assistants to practice, supporting high-wage, highly skilled jobs and increasing Hoosiers’ access to health care options.


HEA 1151 – Creates the Blue Alert program to notify the public when a law enforcement officer is killed, seriously injured or missing in the line of duty.


HEA 1170 – Expands the Training 2000 Program, which will now provide incentives and assistance to new or expanding businesses for the training or retraining of incumbent employees, in addition to curbing the costs for Hoosier businesses to retrain and upgrade employee skills required to support existing capital investment. This will help address the skills gap affecting the Hoosier workforce and retain talent.


HEA 1494 – Requires the employees and volunteers of certain child care providers to undergo national criminal history background checks. It also requires that if an applicant applies for a license to operate a child care home, the applicant’s spouse and members of the household must also have a criminal history background check done. Parents should have the assurance and peace of mind that their children are in a safe environment with qualified caretakers.


SEA 177 – Provides that qualified veterans are eligible for the resident tuition rate for undergraduate courses upon enrolling in a state educational institution no later than 12 months after discharge or separation from the United States armed forces or Indiana National Guard. This new law will help attract veterans to work and go to school in Indiana. This is a population that often has difficulty finding work when they return from service, and the General Assembly wanted to support them and recognize their service to our country.


SEA 421 – Requires the State School Bus Committee to adopt and enforce rules to require that, at least once a semester, a school bus driver operating a school bus equipped with safety belts provide instruction to the passengers on the school bus on the proper fastening of the safety belt and conduct a passenger evacuation drill.


This is just a quick snapshot of some of the bills that have gone into effect. I encourage everyone to visit for more information on these new laws. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 232-9647 or send me an email at

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