Current Publishing

Afraid to fail

It is our position that failure needs to be an organic experience that is part of learning. In one of many public examples of fear of failure as of late, it seems the former state superintendent of education got caught in the vortex intended to be the administration’s answer to monitoring failing schools with an A-F grading system. Instead of escaping the vortex by admitting that even the best schools can fail according to the current grading system or that the grading system may in fact need to be changed, the storm worsened.

Fear of failure in politics is exhibited by the stalemates, bailouts, refusing to acknowledge that business plans don’t always work and refusal to acknowledge that a growing sense of entitlement is rampant among its people.

The highest paid player in major league baseball, Alex Rodriguez, was recently suspended for his alleged involvement in a doping scandal along with a dozen other baseball players. A-Rod, is juicing really worth maligning your career when you are fortunate enough to live every little leaguer’s dream? Lift a few more weights or stay after practice. Self-respect is the byproduct of admitting failure and has a valued and vital place in a civilized free society.

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