Current Publishing

Minimum Wager

It is our position that fast food workers striking in favor of wage increases should take an Economics 101 class.  According to a Ball State University study released in April, Indiana’s average personal income lags more than a decade behind the income levels enjoyed by the nation as a whole.  So why shouldn’t minimum wage workers protest for higher wages?  Protesting is certainly within their first amendment rights.

Is it within their right to request a $15 an hour wage for cashier and fry cook positions once considered feeder jobs into the world of paid employment for teenagers and those who chose not to pursue higher education?  Granted, dealing with the public requires a great deal of patience and keeping up with the quick pace of restaurant life can be exhausting.  However, the very virtues such as low cost meals that motivate the hurried, hungry public to take a spin through the drive-thru on their way home from work would soon disappear if employers nearly doubled the wages of its restaurant staff.  Perhaps the protesters are waging their own plight for higher wages on behalf of all underpaid hourly workers regardless if the task is flipping burgers or emptying bedpans.  Someone deserves a break – the question is, just who?

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