Current Publishing

Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your adverbs here

By Karen Kennedy

Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre will bring the pop culture hit “School House Rock” to life on the stage Sept. 25 through 28.

For those of us old enough to remember sitting in front of the TV on Saturday mornings learning about a lonely “bill sittin’ on Capitol Hill,” and “Naughty Number Nine,” the show will be a trip down memory lane (as well as a handy refresher on the difference between adverbs and adjectives).

But for a new generation of learners, this interactive musical theatre field trip is actually as much about education as it is entertainment. It even fits within the parameters of the academic standards of the Indiana Board of Education’s K-12 common core requirements.

For the youth who see it, it will be a rousing, colorful romp through some fairly complex subjects including social studies, math and grammar.

“It’s truly fun for kids of all ages,” said Brent Marty, director of music and education at Civic Theatre. “While it’s primarily targeted towards kids, adults will enjoy it too, and the Saturday afternoon performance will fit right into the International Arts Festival. People can take an hour and see the show.”

During the International Arts Festival, members of Act One, Civic Theatre’s junior ambassadors, will be performing at 10:15 a.m. Sept. 28 on the stage at the corner of Main Street and Range Line Road. Included in the group will be young members of Hamilton County Special Olympics, who participate in Act One through a new partnership with Civic Theatre called Perfect Harmony.

The theatre has produced “School House Rock Live” several times and audience members will recognize actors Lincoln Slentz, Claire Wilcher, Craig Underwood, Diane Tsao Boehm, Rebecca DeVries McConnell and Phillip Armstrong from various Civic Theatre productions and other local theatre companies.

If you go:

Performances are 10 a.m. Sept. 25 through 27 and 2 p.m. Sept. 28.
Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for students under 18.

Student groups of ten or more are $8 per ticket (

For more information call 853-6324.

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