Current Publishing

Local 4-H’ers take national honors

Zachary Cochran, left, and Kyle Schmidt of Noblesville placed first and second respectively in the electric event at the 63rd Annual National 4-H Engineering Challenge. (Submitted photo)

4-H members Zachary Cochran and Kyle Schmidt of Noblesville represented Indiana at the 63rd Annual National 4-H Engineering Challenge in West Lafayette Sept. 29 through Oct. 1. Each competed in the electric competition, one of nine contests in the event. Cochran won top honors and Schmidt placed second.

Hamilton County 4-H Electric Leader Carol Schmidt said the event drew 55 contestants from 10 states – all of whom won county and state competitions to qualify. Areas of competition included aerospace, bicycle, computer, electric, lawn tractor, robotics, small engines, tractor and welding. Each contest included a written test, parts identification, and a demonstration of skills. Safety was emphasized in all phases of the event.

“Everyone also competed in the Engineering Bowl, a team competition requiring quick recall and in-depth knowledge of the 4-H project manuals and other reference materials,” Schmidt stated.

Contestants and accompanying adults spent a day on educational field trips at Purdue University. The event was conducted by Extension Agricultural Engineers and 4-H professionals from participating states.

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